Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Laptop Labs

The laptop lab carts are currently up and running ( to the best of our abilities!)
We are going to house them during the school day in the 5th and 6th grade hallway and they should receive a good signal anywhere up and down that hallway... possibly even into the 3rd grade rooms. It would be perfectly fine if students wanted to use a laptop during studyhall or classtime if you want to allow it. Please just remember to monitor their use and reinforce these several required actions:
1) Leave the laptop as you found it-- don't change screensavers, desktops backgrounds, install programs, etc... (all this good stuff is covered in the Acceptable Use Policy we sent home with students that they signed)
2) If a laptop has a problem, write what the problem is on a sticky note and place it on top of the laptop lab cart.
3) Make sure the laptop is shut down completely before closing the screen and then make sure it is plugged into a power cord when it is placed back in the lab.


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